Chinese food in Benalmádena

The best known Chinese food in Benalmádena is prepared at Tian Fu Chinese Restaurant. Everyone in the area knows the quality of the Chinese food that we offer, both to taste in our comfortable premises and to take away or order at home. They are more than ten years offering delicious dishes with the best of Chinese and oriental cuisine. Take a look at our menu and choose the best and most varied menus at the best prices in the place.


Tian Fu offers the best known Chinese food in Benalmádena

Our dishes are the best known in Benalmádena when it comes to Chinese food. Its flavor and quality are unmistakable, that is why our clients and their demanding palates have preferred us for just over a decade. Everyone prefers the delicious taste and freshness of our dishes prepared by chefs who are experts in the art of traditional Chinese food.

Definitely, in Tian Fu Chinese Restaurant you can taste the best of Chinese food. When you know our menu you will notice that all our preparations are made with the most distinctive elements of the best-known Chinese dishes. For example, you can order dishes with noodles , rice, typical desserts, and special sauces.

Great variety of dishes

At Tian Fu Chinese Restaurant we prepare the best of Chinese food. Visit us and order interesting and delicious dishes prepared by expert cooks. In the letter'll find tickets, all kinds of dishes including noodles or rice, oriental tapas, prepared with duck meat, desserts, sauces, drinks, and a variety of special dishes, escort, sandwiches and house specials.

Any of the dishes you choose will be made with a lot of effort and dedication, especially with our customers in mind. For that reason, Tian Fu Chinese Restaurant will always be the best alternative for those who prefer to eat healthy food at the best price and with the best flavor in Benalmádena.